
The Ultimate Band Photoshoot

Tonight was great. I got to spend 3 solid hours with kids who really love playing music, 3 solid hours on the stage of the great Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay, and take pictures the whole time I was there!

My hat goes out to Sheldon Aucoin of Bay Music Shop for putting together this amazing idea and to promote music amongst the new kids on the block. Essentially, the Ultimate Band competition has 45 teenagers all with varying ranges of musical ability, working together in separate bands to work towards being the 'ultimate band'. The competition will be judged by 3 judges and the whole idea is just teaming with teamwork ( like that?) Anyways, Sheldon and the guys wanted me to do band photos of the 8 different bands competing this year. I had a blast! You guys were great! Here's some shots:


Housekeeping/New Stuff eh!

So I have been fussing and breaking my back over some new stuff that I want to incorporate into my work - not so much my photography, but my overall web presence. In today's web 2.0 world, having a strong web presence can be all the difference in your overall branding and therefore, how your clients see you...online (thats kinda voyeuristic now isn't it!)

ANYWHOO, I have been planning a brand new website for a spring/summer launch and it is going to be incredible. I have something that is very engaging to the viewer (eye candy if you will) but still be very user friendly, fast, snappy and conscious of good design elements. I think this is going to go over very well and be a strong cohesive element in my wedding photography branding. More to come on this kickin' new site in future posts.

Along side the new website, I have decided to rework my logo a bit to bring it up to date with the website. Check it out below! I believe that a minimalist approach is king in all design work and I wouldn't have my logo any other way.

With my new logo I have a whole new set of business cards, letterheads, cd jackets, postcards, you name it, all coming in so I can offer a very memorable and satisfying service to my clients!


E-Session: Aaron and Allison


It was a cold one today, but an awesome one too!! Today I finally met Aaron and Allison, a great couple from Ottawa who is getting married later this summer in Dundee. Guess who is doing their wedding ;) Anyway, Aaron and Allison were down with their oh so cute daughter Katie to visit relatives and enjoy the Cape Breton way. We hooked up to go over some wedding details and to get some engagement shots. We decided to walk around downtown Sydney and use the natural sun light which was on its way to setting. I am very happy with these shots and I am stoked to spend the day with Allison and Aaron when they get married. Very nice meeting you guys, you rock!

Here's a few tasty shots:


Tracy, Tammie, Sara

A few months back I did some prenatal shots for Tammie Aucoin, which turned out great. Just recently, Tammie contacted me to do some family shots with her sisters, etc. First, I must say congrats to Tammie and Steve on their new baby girl Jessica, she is absolutely beautiful! We did some shots last night indoors and today outside at Renwick Brook in Glace Bay. Here are a few shots I looked at and wanted to post to the blog! More to come: